SAMPAN, a cutting-edge framework by ScoreMe, is designed to streamline the analysis of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Leveraging PAN card details, SAMPAN provides valuable insights into customers’ financial activities, facilitating better decision-making for banks and financial institutions. Our tool offers a transparent and efficient way to evaluate creditworthiness and manage risks, making it an indispensable resource for lenders.

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Key Features of SAMPAN

1. Efficient Data Extraction and Analysis: SAMPAN extracts user details from public sources using PAN details, providing a clear vision of customers’ activities. This process reduces the time and effort required for customer analysis, ensuring that banks have accurate and up-to-date information.

2. Enhanced Lending Confidence: With SAMPAN, banks can confidently lend collateral-free loans. The tool provides comprehensive insights into the financial trends and behaviours of customers, reducing the risks associated with unsecured lending.

3. Accessible Enrollments and Clearances: SAMPAN simplifies the process of accessing enrollments and clearances, making it easier for financial institutions to verify customer details and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

4. Taxation Benefits: The framework also aids in the deduction of taxation by providing accurate financial data, which can be used to identify eligible tax deductions and optimize tax liabilities.

5. Comprehensive Risk Analysis: SAMPAN enables the analysis of trends around different risk types, including financial, business, management, and legal risks. This holistic approach ensures that all potential risks are identified and mitigated.

6. Consensual and Non-Consensual Data Access: Our tool provides access to both consensual and non-consensual data, offering a complete picture of the customer’s financial health. This comprehensive data access is crucial for thorough risk assessment and credit evaluation.

7. Customer Financial Insights: SAMPAN delivers deep insights into customers' financial trends, helping banks analyze creditworthiness more accurately. These insights are invaluable for making informed lending decisions and managing customer relationships effectively.

SAMPAN helps in reducing analysis by fetching the details of the customer from public sources and making proper transparency between bank and the customer.

You can use ScoreMe’s SAMPAN Tool for different purposes:

How SAMPAN Works

SAMPAN operates through a seamless integration with public data sources. By inputting the PAN details of a customer, the tool retrieves and analyzes relevant data, presenting it in an easy-to-understand format. This process involves several key steps:

  1. Data Retrieval: SAMPAN accesses various public databases to gather information linked to the PAN card.
  2. Data Analysis: The tool analyzes the retrieved data to identify patterns and trends related to the customer’s financial behaviour.
  3. Risk Assessment: Based on the analysis, SAMPAN evaluates the customer’s creditworthiness and potential risks.
  4. Report Generation: The tool generates comprehensive reports that provide detailed insights into the customer’s financial status.

Why Choose SAMPAN?

1. Expertise in Fintech Solutions: ScoreMe is a leading fintech company in India, specializing in providing advanced tools for Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) and financial institutions. Our expertise ensures that SAMPAN is built with the highest standards of quality and reliability.

2. Comprehensive Analysis Tools: In addition to SAMPAN, ScoreMe offers a range of specialized tools, including Bank Statement Analysis, GSTR Analysis, Financial Statement Analysis, Digital Lending Platforms, and more. These tools are designed to complement SAMPAN and provide a complete suite of solutions for financial institutions.

3. Dedicated Support and Services: At ScoreMe, we are committed to providing exceptional customer support. Our team of experts is always ready to assist you with any queries or issues, ensuring that you get the most out of SAMPAN and our other services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is SAMPAN?

Ans: SAMPAN is a framework developed by ScoreMe to streamline the analysis of MSMEs using PAN card details. It provides valuable insights into customers' financial activities and helps financial institutions make informed lending decisions.

Q2. How does SAMPAN work?

Ans: SAMPAN works by retrieving and analyzing data from public sources using the customer's PAN details. It then generates comprehensive reports that highlight financial trends and risks associated with the customer.

Q3. Who can benefit from using SAMPAN?

Ans: Financial institutions, including banks and NBFCs, can benefit from using SAMPAN. The tool helps them assess creditworthiness, manage risks, and make better lending decisions.

Q4. Is the data provided by SAMPAN accurate?

Ans: Yes, SAMPAN retrieves data from reliable public sources and uses advanced analysis techniques to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided.

Q5. How can I get started with SAMPAN?

Ans: To get started with SAMPAN, you can book a demo through the ScoreMe website. Our team will guide you through the setup process and help you understand how to use the tool effectively.

Q6. What other tools does ScoreMe offer?

Ans: In addition to SAMPAN, ScoreMe offers a range of tools including Bank Statement Analysis, GSTR Analysis, Financial Statement Analysis, Digital Lending Platforms, and more. These tools complement SAMPAN and provide a comprehensive solution for financial institutions.

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